Chinese study finds most patients still show signs of ‘long Covid’ six months later

The largest study of its kind found that most of those treated in a Wuhan hospital were still showing symptoms six months after being sent home

The most common problems were fatigue and difficulty in sleeping, but lung and kidney problems were also recorded  More...

Beijing clamps down to fight Covid surge

“Just one night after announcing it was entering the “wartime mode,” North China’s Hebei Province, which neighbors Chinese capital Beijing, began putting in place various COVID-19 prevention measures on Wednesday amid a sudden spike in coronavirus infections, including controls on highways passing through Hebei leading to Beijing and other provinces, stopping sales of railway tickets to Beijing, suspending classes in schools, implementing closed-off managements in residential communities in provincial capital Shijiazhuang, and taking sweeping nucleic acid tests.  More...

Coronavirus thrives in cold, damp conditions like shipping containers

Coronavirus can maintain a longer vitality in dark and cold environments, especially in wet and cold shipping containers that have just landed, which will increase the risk of infection via unprotected contact, Zhang Wenhong, Shanghai-based infectious disease expert and leader of Shanghai COVID-19 control group said Thursday on China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo.  More...

60 million confirmed coronavirus infections globally, and the rate is still increasing

There have now been more than 60,000,000 confirmed coronavirus infections globally and the infection rate is still increasing.  More...