India: Gujurat doctors seeing an increasing number of coronavirus cases where patients have negative RT-PCR tests but CT scans reveal significant infection in the lungs

The medical fraternity in Gujarat have come across an increasing number of cases where patients test negative in RT-PCR report but a high-resolution CT (HRCT) reveals significant infection in the lungs.  More...

Israel: Delta coronavirus variant – “The impression is that the Pfizer vaccine has efficacy against it, albeit a reduced efficacy,”

Israel has registered eight cases of a coronavirus variant first identified in India and believes that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is at least partially effective against it, an Israeli health official said.  More...

India: double mutant coronavirus variant B.1.617 outcompeting B.1.1.7 UK variant

Data from suggests that the B.1.617 “double mutant” variant is outcompeting the UK variant B.1.1.7 in India – the B1617 variant is now being detected in nearly twice as many sequences as the UK variant in 7 day rolling average of percent sequences with mutations

Graphs & data courtesy of  More...

India: ‘Double Mutant’ Delta B.1.617 now most common coronavirus variant in India

The so-called double mutant coronavirus found in Maharashtra, India may be becoming the most prevalent among all mutant variants in India, genome sequencing data submitted by Indian scientists to a global database indicates, according to a recent analysis that takes into account when they were detected.   More...

UK: Delta “Double Mutant” coronavirus variant B.1.617 “could be a lot more problematic than the South African and Brazilian variants”

Prof Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, told the Guardian that the arrival of the India variant was potentially worrying.  More...