Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: after six months there likely is the risk of coronavirus reinfection as antibodies wane

Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer Mikael Dolsten said the recently reported dip in the vaccine’s effectiveness in Israel was mostly due to infections in people who had been vaccinated in January or February.  More...

Israel: 56% of serious coronavirus cases in hospitals are fully vaccinated

Eran Segal, a COVID expert and one of the top government advisers to the Israeli coronavirus cabinet said that while 56% of current serious COVID cases occur among fully-vaccinated individuals, the vaccine nevertheless remains the best possible protection against the disease.  More...

Israel: Hebrew University study finds Pfizer vaccine just 70% effective against Delta variant

In a separate report to the one we mentioned earlier where the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine was estimated to be just 64%, a new study from the Hebrew University reports that the Pfizer vaccine is 70 percent effective against the new ultra-contagious Delta variant.  More...

Israel: Pfizer vaccine effectiveness against coronavirus infection has dropped to just 64%

From June 6 – five days after the abolition of all coronavirus restrictions in Israel – until Tuesday, the effectiveness of the [Pfizer] vaccine against corona infection dropped to only 64%.  More...

Israel: Delta coronavirus outbreaks – Binyamina designated orange, Modiin Maccabim-Re’ut designated yellow

The Israeli Health Ministry reported 110 new coronavirus cases in Israel in the last 24 hours on Wednesday morning, bringing the total number of active cases to 554.    More...

Israel: increasing number of Delta coronavirus outbreaks in schools

In the past few days, several outbreaks have occurred in schools all over Israel, prompting the ministry to order students in three cities to wear masks and to consider issuing a stronger recommendation to get children ages 12-15 to get inoculated.  More...