Israel: Delta coronavirus variant – “The impression is that the Pfizer vaccine has efficacy against it, albeit a reduced efficacy,”

Israel has registered eight cases of a coronavirus variant first identified in India and believes that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is at least partially effective against it, an Israeli health official said.  More...

Israel detects resistance of South African coronavirus variant B.1.351 to Pfizer vaccine

An Israeli study released today in the country has shown that the South African variant of the coronavirus is more resistant than the British variant against the vaccine Pfizer, although it did not specify the degree of resistance.  More...

Ireland adds Israel to its coronavirus quarantine list of 56 countries

Ireland has added Israel to its #coronavrus quarantine list of 56 countries:  “All those intending to travel to Ireland from or via any of these countries/territories, who will arrive in Ireland after 04.00 on Tuesday 6 April are required to book accommodation for mandatory hotel quarantine at least 48 hours in advance of travel.”  More...

Joint Statement on the WHO-Convened COVID-19 Origins Study signed by 14 countries

The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom.
