Europe: 2022 summer covid wave already larger than European winter wave of 2020

Despite an almost complete lack of Covid testing across Europe, case numbers in the current summer wave are already higher than last year’s summer wave of 2021, AND the winter wave of 2020.  More...

France: BA.5 at 41% of sequences in week 24, 2022

“Progressive replacement of BA.2 by BA.5 with a strong increase in detection (41%), increased presence of the mutation at position L452 in screening (64% in week 24 vs 47% in week 23), linked to the increase of certain Omicron sub-lineages including BA.4 and BA.5.”  More...

Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 infection with Tremor, Ataxia and Cognitive Deficit – PASC-TAC

“A notable neurologic phenotype of PASC with a characteristic combination of tremor, ataxia, and cognitive deficits (PASC-TAC) was observed in ~7% of participants without a prior neurologic history of these symptoms.  More...

UK: Vaccine derived polio outbreak in London *1 update*

The Guardian newspaper is reporting the discovery of vaccine derived Polio in wastewater from London today:

“UK Public health officials have declared a national incident after routine surveillance of wastewater in north and east London found evidence of community transmission of poliovirus for the first time.  More...