UK Health Minister accuses 150,000 dead Britons of “cowering” from coronavirus

An utterly contemptible message from UK’s Health Minister today, dismissing as cowards the 150,000 people who have lost their lives to Covid-19 in Britain and taunting tens of millions who were ORDERED TO STAY AT HOME by HIS GOVERNMENT.  More...

UK: ONS estimates over 800,000 had Covid-19 this week

The latest ONS survey of UK Covid-19 infection has confirmed our suspicion that the Covid-19 epidemic has spiralled out of control in Britain, with more than 800,000 estimated to have been infected in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland last week.  More...

UK: No wonder the app is pinging – around 1 million people currently have Covid-19 in Britain

The ZOE UK Covid-19 app is showing that nearly ¾ of a million people currently have symptomatic Covid-19.  More...

UK: Covid-19 study shows 40% vaccine breakthrough after changing its methodology

The UK Zoe Covid-19 study has changed its methodology for counting new Covid-19 cases and vaccine breakthroughs, possibly following the reaction to this article last week which showed vaccine breakthroughs in the UK at nearly 50%.  More...