UK: BMJ letter – “we need an urgent focus on mitigations in schools” for Delta coronavirus variant

“On the 17 May 2021, the UK government removed the requirement for face coverings in secondary schools in England.  More...

UK: Delta with K417N – the “mountaineers” variant – PHE coronavirus Delta-AY.1 update

Of the 36 cases of Delta-AY.1 (mountaineers) variant, 27 cases were known to have a vaccination status within the National Immunisation Management System (NIMS).   More...

UK: PHE on Delta Variant – 6.2% vaccine breakthrough with both doses



UK: massive rise in Delta coronavirus vaccine breakthrough cases

“There are currently 1,917 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID in vaccinated people, an increase of 89% from 1,014 cases, compared to 9,991 new daily symptomatic cases in unvaccinated people.  More...

UK: 67 scientists write open letter imploring fur ban to prevent coronavirus pandemic risk

As veterinary surgeons, virologists, epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists and animal behaviourists, we believe that outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, on mink fur farms in multiple countries across Europe as well as in North America, present another compelling reason for governments around the world to consider ending the farming of animals for fur.  More...

UK: Hospice doctor – “Matt Hancock *has* lied during the pandemic – and I can prove it”
