UK: No wonder the app is pinging – around 1 million people currently have Covid-19 in Britain

The ZOE UK Covid-19 app is showing that nearly ¾ of a million people currently have symptomatic Covid-19.  More...

UK: Covid-19 study shows 40% vaccine breakthrough after changing its methodology

The UK Zoe Covid-19 study has changed its methodology for counting new Covid-19 cases and vaccine breakthroughs, possibly following the reaction to this article last week which showed vaccine breakthroughs in the UK at nearly 50%.  More...

UK: nearly 100 covid deaths, 750 hospitalizations, outbreak looking as bad as January 2021

The coronavirus outbreak in the UK is worsening with deaths almost doubling to 100 a day and hospitalizations increasing to 750 a day on 20th July 2021.  More...

UK: International summit condemns Boris Johnson’s THIRD Covid-19 catastrophe

Boris Johnson’s “Freedom Day” plan to create herd immunity in the UK by having one huge summer Delta wave has been rightly criticised from scientists from around the globe.  More...

UK: vaccine breakthroughs now nearly HALF of all new Covid-19 cases

There are currently 15,537 new daily symptomatic cases in partly or fully vaccinated people, an increase of 40% from 11,084 new cases last week.  More...

UK: Vaccine breakthroughs now one third of all new Covid-19 cases

According to the UK ZOE COVID Study, among unvaccinated people in the UK there are currently 22,638 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID on average.  More...

UK: opposition grows as Boris Johnson orders all Covid-19 restrictions lifted in Britain during massive Delta wave

Opposition to Boris Johnson’s plan to unlock Britain in the middle of what is shaping up to be the country’s worst ever coronavirus wave is growing.  More...

UK: Working from home reduces the chance of catching coronavirus by 54% – 76%

The REACT survey 7 from Imperial College London has also shown working from home reduces the chance of catching COVID-19 with those not currently required to work outside the home are 54% to 76% less likely to test positive for SARS-CoV-2 compared to those that did.  More...