UK coronavirus cases already amongst the highest in the world with 11 days until “Freedom Day”

The UK’s daily coronavirus case rate is now amongst the highest in the world, with just a few small nations still showing a higher rate.  More...

UK: learning to live with COVID-19 cannot mean simply allowing infections to spread unchecked causing hospitalisations, illness – including Long COVID, and deaths

Joint Statement from the Association of Directors of Public Health and the Faculty of Public Health on the COVID-19 Roadmap.  More...

From Alpha to Delta – how Britain won and then lost the fight against coronavirus

After months of being ravaged by the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7) in 2020, Britain seemed to turn a corner in its fight with the coronavirus in early 2021.  More...

UK: with 2 million Long Covid cases and 20,000 new coronavirus infections every day, is this really the right time to lift restrictions?

There is something deeply surreal about Britain’s current Covid-19 policy right now.  More...

UK: Boris goes full Bolsonaro and decides to “let the bodies pile high” by lifting lockdown restrictions completely

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in April 2021 that he ‘would rather let bodies pile high’ than impose a third national lockdown.  More...

Hong Kong: all passenger flights from UK banned to curb coronavirus – Britain deemed “extremely high-risk”

Hong Kong will ban all passenger flights from the United Kingdom from Thursday (Jul 1) to curb the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, the government said on Monday.  More...

UK: 30%+ hospitalisation vaccine breakthrough rate for Delta coronavirus

UK Vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi says more than 60% of hospitalisations for the Delta variant are for people who have not been vaccinated (or, in other words, more than 30% of hospitalisations are for people who HAVE been partially or fully vaccinated).  More...