UK: B.1.617.2 Delta coronavirus variant cases double in four days to 2,323

The number of confirmed UK cases of the Covid variant first detected in India has almost doubled in four days, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said, as experts warned it could become the dominant type of the virus imminently.  More...

UK: 487 reinfections for UK coronavirus variant B.1.1.7 and 13 reinfections already for B.1.617.2

The latest UK PHE technical report shows that there have been 487 cases of reinfection recorded for the UK variant B.1.1.7.  More...

UK: Chris Whitty – B.1.617.2 is more transmissible than B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant

Chris Whitty: at 11.15 minutes, “..there is now confidence, and SAGE has looked at this data, as have various modelling groups, that this variant (B.1.617.2) is more transmissible than B.1.1.7.”  More...

WHO: Newly designated VOC within lineage B.1.617 – update on Delta coronavirus variant

In consultation with the WHO SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution Working Group, WHO has determined that viruses within the lineage B.1.617 have been characterized as a VOC.  More...