UK AstraZeneca coronavirus jab trial on children paused as regulator investigates rare blood clots in adults

A vaccine trial into the safety and efficacy of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine in children has been paused while the UK medicines regulator investigates a possible link to rare blood clots in adults who had the jab.  More...

8,000 tourists a day arrive in the UK in the middle of global coronavirus pandemic

Britain’s opposition Labour party has said it is “completely outrageous” that up to 8,000 tourists may be arriving in Britain every day and demanded the UK government tighten up its hotel quarantine system to avoid new coronavirus variants being brought into the country.  More...

70% of patients hospitalised with coronavirus haven’t fully recovered five months later

The majority of survivors who left hospital following COVID-19 did not fully recover five months after discharge and continued to experience negative impacts on their physical and mental health, as well as ability to work, according to results released by the PHOSP-COVID study today.  More...