Hong Kong: Nine day lockdown expected

South China Morning Post are reporting that a nine-day Covid-19 lockdown of Hong Kong is expected, and that “each resident will be required to undergo three tests during the mass testing,” the source said.  More...

Hong Kong: Link between Covid cases and deaths re-established *4 UPDATES*

Hong Kong may impose a hard lockdown that confines people to their homes, authorities signalled Monday 28th February 2022, with the city’s zero-COVID strategy in tatters and bodies piling up in hospitals.  More...

Is the global Sars-CoV-2 decline already petering out? *4 UPDATES & 1 PREDICTION*

Is the Omicron decline already petering out? There’s not much to go on yet, a few stutters in the world cases chart, some countries starting to see new surges, but it all looks vaguely familiar.  More...

WHO: BA.2 to remain classified as Omicron

Based on available data of transmission, severity, reinfection, diagnostics, therapeutics and impacts of vaccines, the group reinforced that the BA.2 sublineage should continue to be considered a variant of concern and that it should remain classified as Omicron.  More...

UK NERVTAG: Long term evolution of SARS-CoV-2, 10 February 2022

UK SAGE NERVTAG have released an update of their long term evolution predictions for SARS-CoV-2 in a paper entitled “Can we predict the limits of SARS-CoV-2 variants and their phenotypic consequences?  More...