USA: large covid-19 outbreak in Kentucky with R.1 coronavirus lineage variant after vaccine breakthrough with Pfizer

The Kentucky Department for Public Health and a local health department investigated a COVID-19 outbreak in a skilled nursing facility that occurred after all residents and health care personnel had been offered vaccination.  More...

MIT: 6ft social distancing rule doesn’t adequately address airborne transmission of coronavirus in indoor spaces

“There is now overwhelming evidence that indoor airborne transmission associated with relatively small, micron-scale aerosol droplets plays a dominant role in the spread of COVID-19 …  Above all, our study makes clear the inadequacy of the Six-Foot Rule in mitigating indoor airborne disease transmission, and offers a rational, physically informed alternative for managing life in the time of COVID-19.  More...

France: 18 new infections reported of the 19B/501Y Henri Mondor coronavirus variant

The 19B / 501Y Henri Mondor variant (lineage A.27) has been detected in France since January 2021 infrequently but overall stable, with fluctuations from one week to the next: it represented 1% of sequences interpretable in the Flash # 6 survey (03/30/2021) versus 0.2% in the Flash # 5 survey (03/16/2021).   More...

France: Breton variant B.1.616 – 37 cases & 16 deaths with just 9% of cases detected by first RT-PCR coronavirus test

As of 04/21, 37 confirmed cases of infection with the 20C / 655Y [B.1.616] variant have been reported in France, including 34 in Brittany and 3 in other regions in people linked to the area of ​​circulation of the virus in Brittany (made up of several urban communities around Lannion, Guingamp, Saint-Brieuc, Paimpol).  More...