Spain: 35 year old soldier left brain dead with blood clots 17 days after AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccination

The Spanish Health Department is investigating the death of a corporal, aged 35, assigned to the Infantry Regiment América 66 de Cazadores de Montaña, based in the Aizoáin barracks, Navarra, after suffering a “cerebral sinus thrombosis with thrombocytopenia and cerebral hemorrhage”, 17 days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.  More...

UK SAGE: Lab studies suggest that the N501Y spike protein mutation increases binding to rat and mouse ACE2 leading to viral replication

A report issued by the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) found the likelihood that a variant of concern (VOC) that has arisen in humans could infect a rodent and then spread among the animals is high.  More...

Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality among pregnant women with and without COVID-19 coronavirus infection

** WARNING: the research mentioned in this post reaches some very disturbing conclusions and may not be suitable for general sharing, Please think carefully before retransmitting it **

From March to October last year the INTERCOVID team tracked data on 2,130 pregnant women across the world from Argentina to Russia, including the UK, US, France, Italy and Japan.  More...