Chinese study finds most patients still show signs of ‘long Covid’ six months later

The largest study of its kind found that most of those treated in a Wuhan hospital were still showing symptoms six months after being sent home

The most common problems were fatigue and difficulty in sleeping, but lung and kidney problems were also recorded  More...

CDC: allergic reactions including anaphylaxis after receipt of the first dose of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

During December 14–23, 2020, monitoring by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System detected 21 cases of anaphylaxis after administration of a reported 1,893,360 first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (11.1 cases per million doses); 71% of these occurred within 15 minutes of vaccination  More...

Cornwall: near 500% rise in cases of Covid-19 in children aged 0-4yrs over Xmas

A week on week comparison of the rates of infection per hundred thousand reveal that some of the largest increases in percentages in the week from December 24 (Christmas Eve) to December 31 (New Year’s Eve) are in children under four years old (increase of 485.7%), those aged 70 to 74 (367.2%) and 85 to 89 (433.3%).  More...