Los Angeles: Just 3 weeks between Covid infection and death

Of 102 deaths in Los Angeles County reported Thursday, 90% involved people who became ill with Covid-19 after Christmas, and 80% were among those who fell ill after New Year’s Day, indicating a high likelihood of Omicron infection, Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said.  More...

Norway: 248 deaths and nearly 52,000 reports of other Covid vaccine side-effects

From a population of just 5.3 million people, Norway has reported a total of 248 deaths as suspected side effects after a Covid vaccine, according to the latest Adverse Reaction Report from the Norwegian Medicines Agency, published on Thursday, 20th January.  More...

Science Magazine: Covid vaccines may cause Long Covid–like symptoms

In November 2021, in the New England Journal of Medicine, William Murphy, an immunologist at the University of California, Davis proposed that an autoimmune mechanism triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein might explain both Long Covid symptoms and some rare vaccine side effects.  More...