UK: BMJ letter – “we need an urgent focus on mitigations in schools” for Delta coronavirus variant

“On the 17 May 2021, the UK government removed the requirement for face coverings in secondary schools in England.  More...

UK: Hospice doctor – “Matt Hancock *has* lied during the pandemic – and I can prove it”


UK: Dominic Cummings – Herd Immunity was always the official coronavirus plan

38/”Media generally abysmal on covid but even I’ve been surprised by 1 thing: how many hacks have parroted Hancock’s line that ‘herd immunity wasn’t the plan’ when ‘herd immunity by Sep’ was *literally the official plan in all docs/graphs/meetings* until it was ditched

39/ Yes the media is often incompetent but something deeper is at work: much of SW1 was happy to believe Hancock’s bullshit that ‘it’s not the plan’ *so they didn’t have to face the shocking truth*.  More...

UK: Chris Whitty – B.1.617.2 is more transmissible than B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant

Chris Whitty: at 11.15 minutes, “..there is now confidence, and SAGE has looked at this data, as have various modelling groups, that this variant (B.1.617.2) is more transmissible than B.1.1.7.”  More...