UK: Boris goes full Bolsonaro and decides to “let the bodies pile high” by lifting lockdown restrictions completely

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in April 2021 that he ‘would rather let bodies pile high’ than impose a third national lockdown.  More...

New Zealand: Wellington under level 2 coronavirus lockdown following Sydney Delta traveller alert

The Wellington region of New Zealand has been in coronavirus alert level 2 since last week after a man from Sydney travelled round the capital while he had the Delta variant of the virus.  More...

Brazil: new strain of coronavirus identified in Rio de Janeiro, designated P5

Monitoring in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has identified a possible new Sars-Cov-2 lineage, originating from P.1.1.28, in the region of Barra Mansa and Porto Real, on the border with the State of São Paulo, and which has only now been called P5.  More...