UK: Covid-19 up by 22% in one week, vaccine breakthroughs at 25% of new cases

According to ZOE COVID Study incidence figures, in total there are currently 58,126 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID in the UK on average, based on PCR and LFT test data from up to five days ago.   More...

32% of world’s population is fully vaccinated, but the global case fatality rate is increasing again

32 percent of the population of the globe has now been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, but the global case fatality rate has started increasing again – for the first time in four months.  More...

Cornell University: 95% Covid vaccinated, 322 infections in one week

Cornell University, which has a population of around 40,000 and a 95% Covid-19 vaccination rate, was declared a “yellow zone” after their first week of classes because 322 people there tested positive for the coronavirus during the opening “surveillance testing.”    More...