UK: Vaccine breakthrough rate for Delta infections still increasing

The latest UK PHE Technical Briefing has just been published, and it shows that the vaccine breakthrough rate for Delta infections in the UK continues to increase by about 6% per month.  More...

Delta attempting to brute-force its way past the human immune system

The Delta variant of Sars-CoV-2 seems to have taken a leaf from a computer hacker’s manual by attempting to brute-force its way past human and vaccine immunity systems by spitting out slightly mutated versions of itself almost on a daily basis.  More...

Turkey: 4th vaccination offered to health workers

Turkey’s Health Ministry has announced that health workers and priority groups are now eligible to receive a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as part of the country’s efforts to combat the resurgence of the disease.  More...

USA: 55% increase in Delta vaccine breakthrough cases in Washington State

This week’s update from Washington State showing vaccine breakthrough cases and which Sars-CoV-2 variant is causing them up to 11th August 2021.  More...