Financial Times: Monday is surrender day, not freedom day, in England

Financial Times: Monday is surrender day, not freedom day, in England

“Mass infection risks swamping hospitals, decimating workforces, sickening the young and weak, and creating vaccine-resistant variants — all of which could lead to further lockdowns and, ultimately, less freedom.  More...

UK: London sees a large rise in coronavirus cases as Freedom Day looms

As the UK Health minister has just found out, London is seeing a large rise in new Covid cases in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated population during the third UK wave.  More...

UK Chief Medical Officer – lockdown in 5 weeks

“I don’t think we should underestimate the fact that we could get into trouble again surprisingly fast”

The UK Government’s top medic has warned the number of people in hospital with coronavirus could reach “quite scary” levels within weeks and new coronavirus restrictions in England could be needed in just five weeks.  More...

UK: vaccine breakthroughs now nearly HALF of all new Covid-19 cases

There are currently 15,537 new daily symptomatic cases in partly or fully vaccinated people, an increase of 40% from 11,084 new cases last week.  More...

UK: Vaccine breakthroughs now one third of all new Covid-19 cases

According to the UK ZOE COVID Study, among unvaccinated people in the UK there are currently 22,638 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID on average.  More...

Delta in England: The vaccine breakthrough rate is increasing and Delta is proportionally more deadly for the fully vaccinated than the unvaccinated

Some very surprising news from PHE Technical Briefings which show that the vaccine breakthrough rate in England has increased dramatically over the last 5 weeks, and worse, that the mortality rate for the fully vaccinated cases is proportionally far worse than the mortality rate for the unvaccinated, and that that proportion is also increasing.  More...

WHO: “Allowing SARS-CoV-2 to spread & infect others by not implementing consistently proven actions that prevent infections, reduce spread, prevent disease & save lives is immoral, unethical, & non-scientific”


Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: after six months there likely is the risk of coronavirus reinfection as antibodies wane

Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer Mikael Dolsten said the recently reported dip in the vaccine’s effectiveness in Israel was mostly due to infections in people who had been vaccinated in January or February.  More...