From Alpha to Delta – how Britain won and then lost the fight against coronavirus

After months of being ravaged by the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7) in 2020, Britain seemed to turn a corner in its fight with the coronavirus in early 2021.  More...

UK: massive rise in Delta coronavirus vaccine breakthrough cases

“There are currently 1,917 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID in vaccinated people, an increase of 89% from 1,014 cases, compared to 9,991 new daily symptomatic cases in unvaccinated people.  More...

UK: government risk assessment of coronavirus Delta variant B.1.617.2 – evidence of frequent vaccine failure or decreased effectiveness in humans * UPDATED *

  • * UK risk assessment for Delta variant as per 10th June 2021


Previous UK risk assessment as per 3rd June 2021

The UK government risk assessment for B.1.617.2 Delta variant has been published today and it’s NOT good news.  More...