UK.GOV: Vaccine booster doses wane after just 10 weeks

“The latest data suggests this extra protection starts to wane more rapidly, being about 15 to 25% lower from 10 weeks after the booster dose.”  More...

Imperial College: Omicron is NOT milder than Delta

“We find no evidence (for both risk of hospitalisation attendance and symptom status) of Omicron having different severity from Delta, though data on hospitalisations are still very limited… Omicron was associated with a 5.41 fold higher relative risk of reinfection compared with Delta.”  More...

UK SAGE: 1,000 Omicron hospitalizations a day by new year

BBC Health Reporter: “The number of people needing hospital treatment from the Omicron variant may reach at least 1,000 a day in England by the end of the year without extra restrictions being put in place – Sage scientists have told ministers.”  More...