UK: All travellers will require a PCR test and quarantine until negative to prevent spread of Omicron

At a press conference today, 10 Downing Street announced new measures to combat the potential spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.  More...

Netherlands: “Dozens” infected with Covid on flights from South Africa

Dutch health authorities said that dozens of people who arrived in Amsterdam on two flights from South Africa on Friday are likely infected with COVID-19, and they are conducting further testing to see if people are infected with the recently discovered Omicron coronavirus variant.  More...

Botswana: 4 Omicron cases detected this week were fully vaccinated

A press release from the Covid-19 taskforce of Botswana, outlining details of the first four cases of Omicron variant B.1.1.529 found in Botswana:  More...

Omicron variant: first European case of B.1.1.529 found in Belgium via Egypt and Turkey

A woman with coronavirus symptoms after a trip to Egypt with a stopover in Turkey is the first confirmed case in Belgium of a patient infected with the new variant B.1.1.529, known as ‘Omicron’, initially located by the scientific community in the Southern African countries.  More...