UK approves AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

Britain on Wednesday became the first country in the world to approve a coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca as it battles a major winter surge driven by a new, highly contagious variant of the virus.  More...

British Prime Minister finally confronted about Covid vaccine adverse events

Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, has found himself on the end of withering criticism over his government’s response to adverse events resulting from the Covid-19 vaccine rollout.  More...

Vaccine Watch – a compilation of press reports and studies regarding Covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths

Three years after the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines across the globe, we are beginning to see press and government reports relating to Covid-19 vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths on a regular basis during our research.  More...

Study: Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine

An investigation by five German scientists of the variability of batches of the Pfizer/BionTech BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, using a recent Danish study as the basis for their study.  More...

ONS: Non-mRNA vaccine was associated with an increased risk of cardiac death in young women *1 Update*

A bombshell revelation from Britain’s Office of National Statistics today – a first dose of a non-mRNA vaccine was associated with an increased risk of death in young women.  More...

BMJ: First UK compensation payment for Covid-19 vaccine death

Vikki Spit from Cumbria is believed to be the first person to receive vaccine injury compensation after her 48 year old partner, Zion, died in May 2021 following vaccination with the Astrazeneca vaccine.  More...