UK: Despite a 65% vaccination rate, the Covid situation is far worse than September 2020

The UK announced its plan to deal with Covid this coming winter in a marathon one hour press conference in Downing Street this afternoon.  More...

Boris Johnson ‘privately accepts’ up to 50,000 annual Covid deaths as an acceptable level

Downing Street has denied it has set any “acceptable level” of Covid deaths but one adviser, who has been close to the UK Government since coronavirus struck 18 months ago, told inews that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had privately accepted that there would be at least a further 30,000 deaths in the UK over the next year, and that the Prime Minister would “only consider imposing further restrictions if that figure looked like it could rise above 50,000”.  More...

UK: We have to learn to live with Covid

“Boris Johnson will lead a Downing Street press conference on Monday where he will tell the public the country must “begin to learn to live with this virus” in the clearest indication yet he is preparing to do away with a swathe of restrictions on daily life.”  More...

UK: opposition grows as Boris Johnson orders all Covid-19 restrictions lifted in Britain during massive Delta wave

Opposition to Boris Johnson’s plan to unlock Britain in the middle of what is shaping up to be the country’s worst ever coronavirus wave is growing.  More...

UK: Boris goes full Bolsonaro and decides to “let the bodies pile high” by lifting lockdown restrictions completely

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in April 2021 that he ‘would rather let bodies pile high’ than impose a third national lockdown.  More...

Boris Johnson: “many more people will lose loved ones to coronavirus”

12th March 2020 – Boris Johnson: “many more people will lose loved ones to coronavirus” (Guardian).         More...