Poland: Covid-19 clears up rapidly after stool transplant to treat bacterial infection

Doctors from Imperial College London and the Medical University of Warsaw have published a letter online in the journal Gut, exploring the use of stool transplants to treat COVID-19 infection, after they used the procedure in two patients for another bacterial infection.  More...

Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: after six months there likely is the risk of coronavirus reinfection as antibodies wane

Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer Mikael Dolsten said the recently reported dip in the vaccine’s effectiveness in Israel was mostly due to infections in people who had been vaccinated in January or February.  More...

UK coronavirus cases already amongst the highest in the world with 11 days until “Freedom Day”

The UK’s daily coronavirus case rate is now amongst the highest in the world, with just a few small nations still showing a higher rate.  More...

UK: learning to live with COVID-19 cannot mean simply allowing infections to spread unchecked causing hospitalisations, illness – including Long COVID, and deaths

Joint Statement from the Association of Directors of Public Health and the Faculty of Public Health on the COVID-19 Roadmap.  More...