WHO: UK coronavirus policy “Moral emptiness and epidemiological stupidity”


Preprint: Infectivity and immune escape of the new coronavirus variant of interest C.37 Lambda

“We also observed that the spike protein of the Lambda variant presented increased infectivity when compared with the spike protein of the Alpha and Gamma variants, both of them with reported increased infectivity and transmissibility.  More...

Israel: 56% of serious coronavirus cases in hospitals are fully vaccinated

Eran Segal, a COVID expert and one of the top government advisers to the Israeli coronavirus cabinet said that while 56% of current serious COVID cases occur among fully-vaccinated individuals, the vaccine nevertheless remains the best possible protection against the disease.  More...

Preprint: Transmission event of Delta coronavirus variant reveals multiple vaccine breakthrough infections

Here we describe a transmission of a Delta variant containing SARS-CoV-2 strain, between family members associated with events surrounding a wedding with 92 attendees, near Houston, Texas.  More...

Israel: Hebrew University study finds Pfizer vaccine just 70% effective against Delta variant

In a separate report to the one we mentioned earlier where the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine was estimated to be just 64%, a new study from the Hebrew University reports that the Pfizer vaccine is 70 percent effective against the new ultra-contagious Delta variant.  More...

Israel: Pfizer vaccine effectiveness against coronavirus infection has dropped to just 64%

From June 6 – five days after the abolition of all coronavirus restrictions in Israel – until Tuesday, the effectiveness of the [Pfizer] vaccine against corona infection dropped to only 64%.  More...

USA: Vaccine breakthough cases in Washington State by coronavirus variant to 30th June 2021

Washington State has recently published an update on the number of vaccine breakthrough cases.  More...