USA: Coronavirus vaccine breakthrough infections are potentially contagious

Researchers reported that among 20 fully-vaccinated healthcare workers with vaccine breakthrough COVID-19 cases, all were infected with coronavirus variants.  More...

The highest ever coronavirus daily case rates recorded on Planet Earth – and it’s not India or Brazil

The highest ever daily country case figure for coronavirus on Planet Earth was recorded in The Seychelles in May 2021.  More...

Singapore: 78 coronavirus cases in current outbreak were vaccinated compared to about 300 unvaccinated cases

A total of 78 Covid-19 cases in the current outbreak in Singapore have been vaccinated – many of whom are frontline workers – compared to about 300 unvaccinated cases, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung.   More...

UK: Dominic Cummings – Herd Immunity was always the official coronavirus plan

38/”Media generally abysmal on covid but even I’ve been surprised by 1 thing: how many hacks have parroted Hancock’s line that ‘herd immunity wasn’t the plan’ when ‘herd immunity by Sep’ was *literally the official plan in all docs/graphs/meetings* until it was ditched

39/ Yes the media is often incompetent but something deeper is at work: much of SW1 was happy to believe Hancock’s bullshit that ‘it’s not the plan’ *so they didn’t have to face the shocking truth*.  More...