India: ‘Double Mutant’ Delta B.1.617 now most common coronavirus variant in India

The so-called double mutant coronavirus found in Maharashtra, India may be becoming the most prevalent among all mutant variants in India, genome sequencing data submitted by Indian scientists to a global database indicates, according to a recent analysis that takes into account when they were detected.   More...

UK: Delta “Double Mutant” coronavirus variant B.1.617 “could be a lot more problematic than the South African and Brazilian variants”

Prof Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, told the Guardian that the arrival of the India variant was potentially worrying.  More...

UK: 100 blood clot cases and 22 deaths following vaccination with AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccination

“Up to 5 April 2021, the MHRA had received Yellow Card reports of 100 cases of major thromboembolic events (blood clots) with concurrent thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts) in the UK following vaccination with COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca.  More...

France: 25 cases of Breton coronavirus variant B.1.616 recorded so far, 22 in Brittany, 3 elsewhere

Clade 20C variant that emerged in Brittany.  A cluster of infections with a 20C clade variant (“20C / 655Y variant” or B.1.616), was detected in the Côtes d´Armor, with cases occurring between January and March 2021.  More...