USA: Vaccine breakthough cases in Washington State by coronavirus variant to 30th June 2021

Washington State has recently published an update on the number of vaccine breakthrough cases.  More...

Poland: 106 cases of Delta and 12 cases of Delta Plus aka Delta-AY.1 coronavirus variant

Poland has confirmed 106 cases of the Delta and 12 cases of the Delta Plus (Delta-AY.1 or Delta with K417N mutation) coronavirus variants that originated in India, a deputy health minister has announced.  More...

Spain: 5,000 new coronavirus cases in Catalonia in one day

All epidemic indicators continue to worsen in Catalonia, Spain, where infections continue to skyrocket, with 5,206 new diagnoses in the last 24 hours and an average age that fell for the first time yesterday from 29 years and this Thursday stands at 28.7.  More...