New Zealand: Wellington under level 2 coronavirus lockdown following Sydney Delta traveller alert

The Wellington region of New Zealand has been in coronavirus alert level 2 since last week after a man from Sydney travelled round the capital while he had the Delta variant of the virus.  More...

Spain: Mallorca superspreader event sees 700 students infected with coronavirus

“Parties in hotel rooms, large bottles, boat trips and a massive reggaeton concert in the Palma bullring are behind the coronavirus outbreak that has infected more than 700 students from eight autonomous communities and forced the isolation of another 2,000 in Madrid who participated in end-of-year trips to Mallorca.  More...

Australia: study shows that coronavirus was very well adapted to infect humans – cats, dogs and cows also susceptible

Australian scientists have described how they used high-performance computer modelling of the form of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the beginning of the pandemic to predict its ability to infect humans and a range of 12 domestic and exotic animals.  More...