Russia: coronavirus revaccination planned for Moscow

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has said that revaccination against coronavirus in the capital will take place with the Sputnik Light vaccine, which is also planned to be used to vaccinate labor migrants.  More...

USA/UK: 2 separate clades of Delta coronavirus variant with K417N – AY.1 and AY.2

Through routine scanning of variation in Delta, a small number of sequences were detected which had acquired the spike protein mutation K417N.  More...

Israel: increasing number of Delta coronavirus outbreaks in schools

In the past few days, several outbreaks have occurred in schools all over Israel, prompting the ministry to order students in three cities to wear masks and to consider issuing a stronger recommendation to get children ages 12-15 to get inoculated.  More...

Australia: another “fleeting contact” coronavirus infection case in Sydney

The New South Wales premier says there has been one new covid case, that has come about as a result of “fleeting contact” in a shopping centre, and there are new restrictions for the state.  More...

Singapore: significant risk of vaccine breakthrough with the Sinovac coronavirus vaccine

There is a significant risk of “vaccine breakthrough” with the Sinovac vaccine, or CoronaVac, with international evidence showing that many who had taken it were later infected with COVID-19, said the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) director of medical services Kenneth Mak on Friday, 18 June 2021.  More...