Canada: 82% Delta vaccine breakthrough in Calgary hospital coronavirus outbreak

An outbreak of the Delta coronavirus variant at the Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary has seen 16 patients and six health-care workers tested positive for the variant.   More...

UK: Delta with K417N – the “mountaineers” variant – PHE coronavirus Delta-AY.1 update

Of the 36 cases of Delta-AY.1 (mountaineers) variant, 27 cases were known to have a vaccination status within the National Immunisation Management System (NIMS).   More...

UK: PHE on Delta Variant – 6.2% vaccine breakthrough with both doses



UK: massive rise in Delta coronavirus vaccine breakthrough cases

“There are currently 1,917 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID in vaccinated people, an increase of 89% from 1,014 cases, compared to 9,991 new daily symptomatic cases in unvaccinated people.  More...