Portugal: could be taken off the UK’s coronavirus travel green list for having the same infection trajectory as the UK

“UK government Ministers and their medical advisers will meet on Thursday to decide whether Portugal should be dropped from the green list and instead rated amber, requiring holidaymakers to quarantine for 10 days on their return and pay for two PCR tests.   More...

Preprint: “Antigenic minimalism as an emerging evolutionary strategy for coronavirus to evade immune responses”

“..we generated clinically annotated SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequences and identified deletions within this NTD antigenic supersite in a patient with vaccine breakthrough infection (Δ156-164) and other deletions from unvaccinated severe COVID-19 patients that could represent emerging deletion-prone regions.  More...

Vietnam: Young coronavirus patients with no underlying health conditions have ‘white lungs after a few days of Covid-19 symptoms’

Deputy Director of the Medical Examination and Treatment Administration, Vietnamese Ministry of Health, assessed that young people without underlying diseases develop lung damage very quickly, just a few days after symptoms appear white on both sides of the lungs.  More...