UK Chief Medical Officer – lockdown in 5 weeks

“I don’t think we should underestimate the fact that we could get into trouble again surprisingly fast”

The UK Government’s top medic has warned the number of people in hospital with coronavirus could reach “quite scary” levels within weeks and new coronavirus restrictions in England could be needed in just five weeks.  More...

UK: learning to live with COVID-19 cannot mean simply allowing infections to spread unchecked causing hospitalisations, illness – including Long COVID, and deaths

Joint Statement from the Association of Directors of Public Health and the Faculty of Public Health on the COVID-19 Roadmap.  More...

UK: 30%+ hospitalisation vaccine breakthrough rate for Delta coronavirus

UK Vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi says more than 60% of hospitalisations for the Delta variant are for people who have not been vaccinated (or, in other words, more than 30% of hospitalisations are for people who HAVE been partially or fully vaccinated).  More...