UK: with 2 million Long Covid cases and 20,000 new coronavirus infections every day, is this really the right time to lift restrictions?

There is something deeply surreal about Britain’s current Covid-19 policy right now.  More...

Hong Kong: all passenger flights from UK banned to curb coronavirus – Britain deemed “extremely high-risk”

Hong Kong will ban all passenger flights from the United Kingdom from Thursday (Jul 1) to curb the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, the government said on Monday.  More...

UK: 30%+ hospitalisation vaccine breakthrough rate for Delta coronavirus

UK Vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi says more than 60% of hospitalisations for the Delta variant are for people who have not been vaccinated (or, in other words, more than 30% of hospitalisations are for people who HAVE been partially or fully vaccinated).  More...

USA/UK: 2 separate clades of Delta coronavirus variant with K417N – AY.1 and AY.2

Through routine scanning of variation in Delta, a small number of sequences were detected which had acquired the spike protein mutation K417N.  More...

UK: Delta coronavirus variant could push R to 7 without mitigations says PHE chief

Dr Susan Hopkins, Public Health England’s strategic COVID-19 response director, told the Science and Technology Committee of the UK Parliament today that if the Delta variant B16712 was “unmitigated”, left to spread without any lockdown restrictions, the R number could become “greater than five and maybe up to seven”.  More...

UK: BMJ letter – “we need an urgent focus on mitigations in schools” for Delta coronavirus variant

“On the 17 May 2021, the UK government removed the requirement for face coverings in secondary schools in England.  More...

UK: PHE on Delta Variant – 6.2% vaccine breakthrough with both doses

