UK: vaccine breakthroughs now nearly HALF of all new Covid-19 cases

There are currently 15,537 new daily symptomatic cases in partly or fully vaccinated people, an increase of 40% from 11,084 new cases last week.  More...

Delta in England: The vaccine breakthrough rate is increasing and Delta is proportionally more deadly for the fully vaccinated than the unvaccinated

Some very surprising news from PHE Technical Briefings which show that the vaccine breakthrough rate in England has increased dramatically over the last 5 weeks, and worse, that the mortality rate for the fully vaccinated cases is proportionally far worse than the mortality rate for the unvaccinated, and that that proportion is also increasing.  More...

Preprint: Transmission event of Delta coronavirus variant reveals multiple vaccine breakthrough infections

Here we describe a transmission of a Delta variant containing SARS-CoV-2 strain, between family members associated with events surrounding a wedding with 92 attendees, near Houston, Texas.  More...